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Watch HD-DVD on your 360…but forget games

1UP.com is reporting that Microsoft's corporate VP Peter Moore announced at CES that the company will be releasing an external HD-DVD drive for the Xbox 360. Using this drive, you will be able to watch HD-DVD movies only.

Yes, nothing was mentioned about playing games. That would make sense, considering how offering game play on an

optional drive for your console could cause major issues. What if a major title (such as Halo 3) was to be released as HD-DVD only, yet your average gamer couldn't afford the external drive for the system?

It is reported that Microsoft's reason behind doing this is due to the fact that "90% of Xbox 360 owners own or intend to purchase an HDTV in the six months, nine out of 10 of the people purchasing an HDTV cite Xbox 360 as the primary catalyst, and 10% of those with an HDTV also purchased an Xbox 360 simultaneously."

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