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Windows XP Additional Family License Comes Together

Whoohoo break open the champagne bottles! :right:

Thanks Vla for this one seen at Wininfo. Microsoft will offer consumers who wish to buy more than one copy of Windows XP a break, through a new Additional Family License (AFL) program that will shave up to $30 off the normal price.

Customers who purchase XP Home or Pro, Upgrade or Full versions, will be eligible to purchase AFL for $10 to $30 less than the full price, Microsoft says, depending on the version purchased. These licenses will be available in retail locations and via download from Microsoft's Web sites, and will not include the typical CD media one gets with a retail package. Instead, it will simply include an additional product key so that the user can legally install XP on another PC.

AFL is necessitated by a new security feature in XP called Windows Product Activation (WPA), which is designed to prevent casual copying. As described previously, WPA will lock a copy of XP to a single PC, preventing it from being easily installed on a second computer.

News source: Wininformant

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