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WinMX 3.0 Beta 3

Yep thanks Keldyn for the heads up on this one, BETA 3 is now available (since Feb 3rd). This release corrects the last of the major network issues we know of. of which I also know alot of neowinians had problems with.

Please download BETA 3. It is ok to install this right on top of BETA 1 or 2, no uninstall required.

Keep in mind that there are still many issues we are working on correcting. If you have submitted a problem report for BETA 1or 2, there is no need to re-send it if the problem still exists in BETA 3. Also note that there will still be some network problems until all beta testers have upgraded to beta 3. We expect this may take up to a day for everyone to be completely switched over, so please be patient.

Download: WinMX 3.0 Beta 3

View: WinMX 3.0 Beta Page

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