16 people in US arrested following Anonymous raids

Following today"s news on the FBI raiding locations of possible members of the Anonymous hacker group in New York State, 16 people in the US have now been arrested in connection to alleged hack attacks by the Anonymous group. News.com reports that in addition to the 16 US arrests, four people were also arrested in the Netherlands and another person in the UK was arrested, according to statements from the US Department of Justice.

Of the 16 people in the US, 14 are accused of hacking into PCs at PayPal after the financial company said it would no longer allow its services to be used to pay for donations to support the Wikileaks web site. Those arrests were made in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, and Ohio. In addition another person was arrested in Florida on charges he tried to hack into the web site of InfraGard, which is linked with the FBI. Finally an arrest was made in New Mexico. That person is accused of hacking into AT&T"s servers and then posting publicly "confidential business information" taken from those servers.

Anonymous has gotten a lot of attention in the last several months thanks to its hacks and its denial of service attacks on a number of government organizations and companies, including Sony. It is also accused of being behind the cyber attack on Sony"s Playstation Network that caused the company to shut down the service for several weeks this past spring. Anonymous has denied its involvement in this particular cyber attack.

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