2 PC reviews, Intel P4 and Backup MyPC

Here are 2 articles sent in by the respective sites webmasters one is about a P4 and overclocking it and the other software related but equally appealing because it concerns backing up your pr0n vids oh so important data.

Overclocking the P4 1.7GHz on 800MHz Bus

Soltek sent us word of their success in running a Pentium 4 1.7GHz on an 200MHz (800MHz QDR) front-side bus. Here"s a quote from what they had to say:

This BIOS can fix AGP clock at 66Mhz & PCI clock at 33Mhz when overclocking; by this way, you can get a more stable system. Our R&D team have sucessfully overclock this mainboard to 200Mhz (200 x 4 = 800Mhz FSB)!

This is certainly a great news for overclockers; however, please note that now most CPUs have been locked, it is very difficult to find an unlocked CPU." Click on the link for more info and picture proof...

View: Soltek Overclocks P4 1.7GHz on 800MHz Bus @ Tweakers Australia

Backup MyPC review

How many times have you installed that snazzy new detonator driver, or installed a new program only to find out that it didn"t like your system, and you suddenly cant boot up your system? Today Guru3D.com will look into backups made EZ, Backup My PC, by Veritas.

Backup My PC, provides, an easy graphical interface into backing up all those media files you have downloaded, or those all important documents, heck, everything single thing in your hard drive, given you have enough cd"s or extra hard drive space to fit it all in. With a few simple clicks, you can be on your way to backing up your system, while you surf the net, or while your out, doing real world stuff.

View: Backup MyPC review @ Guru3D

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