2 Sites review same Mainboard

This should prove interesting. 2 sites 2 reviews but the same mainboard.. for your reading pleasure sent in by the respective sites webmasters via email.. enjoy!!

ABIT KX7-333R KT333 Motherboard Review

Tweakers Australia has just posted a review on the new ABIT KX7-333R KT333 motherboard. ABIT cut back on features pretty heavily with this board, but sacrificed them for performance. Awesome overclocking potential, excellent BIOS, and support for all things fast. Did I mention a great price? Here"s a snip:

Traditionally ABIT has been renowned for their excellent BIOS revisions that are frequently improved, and they certainly haven"t skimped out with the KX7-333R, which is shaping up to be one of the most functional I have come across in a while. ABIT has gone with the Pheonix-Award type BIOS, and has most of the useful CPU options in one convenient menu - SoftMenu III. The SoftMenu provides control for pre-defined CPU Operating Speeds, CPU FSB Clock with a maximum setting of 250MHz in 1MHz increments, Ratio selection for FSB : AGP : PCI that includes 3 options, 3:2:1, 4:2:1 and 5:2:1. Other settings include Multiplier selection up to 13x as well as VCORE, I/O and DDR voltage adjustments. The I/O voltages only range from 3.50V and 3.65V, while VCORE went up to a maximum of 1.85V and DDR voltages ranged from 2.55V to 2.85V.

View: ABIT KX7-333R KT333 Motherboard Review @ Tweakers Austrlalia

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Abit KX7-333R Review

T-Break have published the review for Abit"s KT333 chipset based KX7-333R motherboard. Here"s a bit from the review:

Abit sometimes appears to be a very black and white kind of company. Their first motherboard based on the KT333 chipset, the AT7 Max, was a radical step ahead in terms of design. And now, their second motherboard based on the same chipset, the KX7-333, is a plain vanilla board focused on doing what Abit"s best at: Performance and Overclocking

View: Abit KX7-333R Review @ T-Break

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