Thanks Shaun Well looks like this bug about missing websites is finally done. (in traditional MS fasion -Ed)
Cannot Resolve Names with BIND DNS Servers After You Install IPv6
After you install the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) stack on your computer, it may be unsuccessful in obtaining name resolutions from Domain Name System (DNS) servers that are running the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implementation of DNS.
This issue may occur if the Windows client that IPv6 is installed on queries DNS servers that are running an earlier version of BIND. When the Windows client queries the DNS server for AAAA records, the DNS server may incorrectly return a NAME_ERROR response ("no records of any type for that name") even though an A (or host) record for the queried name exists on that DNS server. Because of this response, the DNS Resolver on the Windows client does not perform a query for the A records.
To work around this issue, remove IPv6 from the Windows client computer.