3D to scorch laps worldwide

Although Toshiba has recently released their Satelitte A665 3D notebook, they are not the only competitors in the field.

The notebook, containing a Blu-Ray drive combined with a GeForce GTS 350M, and a 1.73GHz quad Core i7, was the first entrant into the newly established fray of 3D-capable notebooks. Game and video capability are supported, as Toshiba has ported its upscaling technology from its televisions. The notebook also features 4GB of RAM and a 12 cell battery that is said to promise "relatively long runtimes."

Toshiba"s Chinese competitor, Lenovo, finally has the IdeaPad Y560d out the door. This Alienware-killing piece of kit not only utilizes a 1.60GHz quad Core i7 chip, but also ships with TriDef 3D, powered by ATI"s Mobility Radeon HD 5730. Combined with the stereoscopic display provided on the notebook, "TriDef 3D enables viewing of movies, photos and games in 3D" on the machine. With a 15.6" display running at 1366x768, the user will have a large yet not bulky entrance into the 3D world. 

Lenovo intends to release multiple configurations of the notebook including machines starting with typical i3 offerings and encompassing the 1.86GHz i7. Currently spec"ed, the machine will possess a 500GB HDD combined with 4GB of ram. Additionally the notebook will not only be available with a Blu-Ray drive, but also an option called "RapidDrive" which contains a 64GB SSD paired with a 750GB HDD. Lenovo seems to be catering to the gaming and high-end multimedia crowd with this notebook as an SSD will improve game loading, video playback and boot-times.

Lenovo has chosen the ATI solution over the more common NVidia 3D offering that Toshiba is currently shipping in their Satelitte A665. Although the rarer of solutions, the card combined with TriDef 3D and the high specified ATI card enables comparable, if not greater performance.

Both notebooks also are equipped with 802.11n wireless adapters and webcams. It is not yet clear whether the required glasses are bundled with the $1500 Lenovo machine. Toshiba is including glasses and transmitter with their $1600 offering.

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