3DSpotlight becomes TechSpot!

Thanks Julio for this announcement, we want to welcome a new name for 3DS (3DSpotlight) who have just recently renamed to TechSpot we wish them the very best of luck.

Announcement from TS: Most people coming here on a daily basis will have probably noticed already of the changes taking place all over.

Indeed, 3D Spotlight name is no more, and while it will remain in our minds for a long time (especially for those who are really involved with the site) we would like to warm welcome our readers to our "new" home... we believe TechSpot.com name will better represent us and our content and will also better target our audience, the hardcore PC Enthusiast.

We were very lucky to get the name as we always looked for something that would lead the reader to identify us and sounded familiar to the 3DS brand name. We recently bought TechSpot.com domain from IDG Communications Group (PC World magazine owners) who held the name unused for a long time.

If their content is anything to go on, we are sure they will prosper under the new name :)

News source: TechSpot (formerly know as 3DSpotlight)

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