Today, AdDuplex published its monthly report on Windows 10 and Surface usage. The data is based on the over 5,000 Microsoft Store apps that use the AdDuplex SDK v.2 or higher, and it was collected on July 30.

The Windows 10 May 2020 Update is inching further along, as it"s now on 11.6% of Windows 10 PCs two months after its release. More interesting is that Windows 10 version 1903 is still the most popular version in terms of usage at 43.6%. It"s unprecedented, but there"s a reason.
Microsoft changed the way it rolls out feature updates with version 1903. Rather than automatically upgrading everyone, you now have to opt into the feature update, which naturally means that feature updates are adopted a lot more slowly. However, Microsoft will still automatically update PCs that are on a version nearing the end of support, something that it"s doing for PCs on version 1809 right now, and should start doing with version 1903 any day now.
Version 1903 did see a modest decrease from 46.2% to 43.6%, and version 1909 actually increased from 35.7% to 36.8%. The version 2004 increase was only from 7% to 11.6%. Version 1809 moved from 5.9% to 3%, nearly a 50% decline in usage, thanks to automatic upgrades. Finally, 1803 and 1709 are still hovering at 2.5% (a modest decline) and 0.8%, respectively.
The second chart, as usual, shows how quickly a version has been adopted. It"s no surprise these days that new updates roll out slowly, being that the way updates are delivered was changed after version 1809.