America's Army: Operations and Soldiers

Thanks Dead Messiah and aznx.

We"ve all seen the games that you can play for free – they"re often Java-based throwbacks to the 80"s arcades, combining lackluster graphics with minimal gameplay. Well, no more. Check out these titles on the way from the U.S. Army.

The first game, America"s Army: Soldiers, gives gamers a chance to role-play the Army experience, from signing up at the recruiter to handling basic training to taking their first tour of duty. Players choose the attributes, career path, and goals for their character and apply six different resources to reach each goal (health, strength, knowledge, skills, finances, and popularity).

But the game that has shooter fans signing up is America"s Army: Operations. Using a next-generation Unreal engine, this ultra-realistic first-person shooter will contain 20 single- and multiplayer missions with 140 dedicated servers hosted by HomeLAN.

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