AnyDesk 1.3.1 Beta


AnyDesk is a new remote desktop system and enables users to access their data, images, videos and applications from anywhere and at any time, and also to share it with others. AnyDesk is the first remote desktop software that doesn"t require you to think about what you can do. CAD, video editing or simply working comfortably with an office suite for hours are just a few examples. AnyDesk is designed for modern multi-core CPUs. Most of AnyDesk"s image processing is done con­currently. This way, AnyDesk can uti­lize up to 90% of.

Conventional screen sharing and remote desk­top applications are based on outdated com­pression techniques (X11, RDP, VNC) or on codecs that were designed for photos (JPEG) or video mate­rial (H.264). AnyDesk closes this gap by intro­ducing DeskRT, a video codec specifically designed for graphi­cal user inter­faces. Exploi­ting the special proper­ties of GUI image data (e.g. large areas of the same colour, high con­trasts, sharp edges, repeating patterns in the time and spatial domain, or the linear trans­lation of image con­tents), DeskRT is able to bring about very high image quality and low res­ponse times for the user.

Just one megabyte - downloaded in a glimpse, sent via email, or fired up from your USB drive, AnyDesk will turn any desktop into your desktop in se­conds. No administrative privileges or installation needed.

AnyDesk 1.3.1 Beta changes:

Fixed Bugs

  • In rare cases, the mouse position was transmitted with an offset. The mouse position should now always be correct.
  • In certain cases, the text mouse cursor could appear invisible over black background. The mouse cursor is rendered correctly now, with inverted colors.
  • Controlling AnyDesk"s accept window through AnyDesk is not possible anymore.
  • Pressing the install button twice could lead to the installation process failing. Fixed.

New Features

  • AnyDesk is now dpi aware.
  • Implemented an arrow which is drawn at the remote users mouse position if input is disabled. If clicked, a beacon is shown. This feature can be used to point the user to something without directly interacting during remote support or presentations.

Download: AnyDesk 1.3.1 Beta | 1.3 MB (Freeware)
View: AnyDesk Home Page

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