AOL has released Beta 4 of its new web mail client. Some cahnges were made to the layout and design. For instance, the "Keep as New" function for mail is now a stand alone button, the ability to import Contacts is now working, and the ability to check a message"s status is now much easier to find. A free AOL account (AOL or AIM Screen Name) is needed to participate in the beta program. Windows 98 and Opera are currently not supported. Mac OS X only works with Firefox: Safari is also incompatible. Once signed up, in order to switch back to AOL or AIM mail, a user can still sign in at
- Checking the "Use Rich Text/HTML Editing" Setting now works
- You can now show a message"s status from the Sent folder. Previously, messages had to be individually opened to see its status.
- You can now set a reminder for a To Do if that To Do has a date in the future.
- The Quick Add date picker in the Calendar title does now closes when you click off of it and onto a specific date.
- The Quick Add light box now appears correctly.
- Event"s drag and drop functionality no longer breaks, resulting in not being able to change the date and time to a desired value.
- Web Mail will no longer reload when you save the Settings page.
- You can now save the Spell Check preferences in Settings.
- Search results are now case-sensitive.
- Entering text in the CC or BCC field before entering text in the TO field will no longer result in a Freeze and/or Script Error (IE only)
- If you modify a Calendar event while writing mail, the mail you are writing will no longer become corrupted.
- The Buddy icon will now appear in mail you are writing per the setting Show buddy icon in signature.
- Spell Check is now working in plain text edit mode.
- Spell Check will no longer display the "There were spelling errors. Send the message?" dialog after the message has already been sent.
- Emptying and then renaming a folder will no longer result in a "There was an error retrieving your messages. Please try again" error message.
- "Import Contacts" now working.
- "Print Contacts List" is now working.
- Print the Contacts Details page is now working.
- You can now insert a picture in the body of the message by double clicking on a picture on the picture tray.