Apache 2.0.39 Released

Thanks M(?) for the heads up via email for this one. The Apache HTTP Server Project is proud to announce the second public release of Apache 2.0. Apache 2.0 has been running on the Apache.org website since December of 2000 and has proven to be very reliable.

This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix release. Of particular note is that 2.0.39 addresses and fixes the issues noted in CAN-2002-0392 (mitre.org) [CERT VU#944335] regarding a vulnerability in the handling of chunked transfer encoding as described above.

Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements and performance boosts over the 1.3 codebase. The most visible and noteworthy addition is the ability to run Apache in a hybrid thread/process mode on any platform that supports both threads and processes. This has shown to improve the scalability of the Apache HTTP Server significantly in our testing. Apache 2.0 also includes support for filtered I/O. This allows modules to modify the output of other modules before it is sent to the client. We have also included support for IPv6 on any platform that supports IPv6.

This version of Apache is known to work on many versions of Unix, BeOS, OS/2, Windows, and Netware. Because of many of the advancements in Apache 2.0, the initial release of Apache is expected to perform equally well on all supported platforms.

There are new snapshots of the Apache httpd source available every 6 hours from https://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/ - please download and test if you feel brave. We don"t guarantee anything except that it will take up disk space, but if you have the time and skills, please give it a spin on your platforms.

Download: Apache 2.0.39

View: New Features in Apache 2.0 and Changelog for Apache 2.0.39

News source: Apache Website

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