App Store off to a tremendous start in 2015

2015 has only just begun and the App Store has already broken some pretty impressive records according to Apple"s press release. First up, this was the company"s most successful first week of January with customers spending "nearly half a billion dollars" on apps and in-app purchases (IAPs) during this time period. New Year"s Day 2015 was the most profitable day in the sales history of the App Store.

However, a profitable first week of 2015 isn"t the only thing to cheer about as the press release also states that 2014 was a record-breaking year for the company in which apps generated over $10 billion in revenue for developers and billings rose by 50 percent. Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services was ecstatic about the amazing start Apple had gotten off to, stating:

We"re so proud of the creativity and innovation developers bring to the apps they create for iOS users and that the developer community has now earned over $25 billion.

In November, Apple also helped collect over $100 million in their special (RED) campaign in which the company partnered with some big name app developers for a special initiative to fight AIDS.

Apple claims that an important reason for the App Store"s brilliant performance the past year was also due to the introduction of iOS 8 which gave a boost to "developer innovation". Swift allowed developers to easily create applications after which TestFlight was used for beta testing them. More Payment methods were introduced in different countries including Apple Pay which became immensely popular among iOS customers allowing them to make purchases securely.

Moving onwards to 2015, the App Store now has 1.4 million apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users in 155 countries around the world. 725,000 of these applications are available on iPad. Since 2008, the iOS ecosystem has also helped create over 627,000 jobs in the US, which is quite a feat on its own.

Source: Apple |Image via Apple

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