Apple formally joins Partnership on AI

Apple has formally joined the Partnership on AI; it joins other tech giants including Facebook, Alphabet/DeepMind, Microsoft, Amazon and IBM. Today’s inauguration into the company formalises a partnership that already existed between Apple and the AI body.

The Partnership on AI was established to study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, to help advance the concept of artificial intelligence amongst the public, and to serve as a platform for discussion about AI and its influences on people and society.

The Partnership also announced the inaugural Board of Trustees which is made up of six independent board members and six corporate board members. The board members are:

  • Dario Amodei (OpenAI)
  • Subbarao Kambhampati (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence & ASU)
  • Deirdre Mulligan (UC Berkeley)
  • Carol Rose (ACLU)
  • Eric Sears (MacArthur Foundation)
  • Jason Furman (Peterson Institute of International Economics)
  • Greg Corrado (Google/DeepMind)
  • Tom Gruber (Apple)
  • Ralf Herbrich (Amazon)
  • Eric Horvitz (Microsoft)
  • Yann Lecun (Facebook)
  • Francesca Rossi (IBM)

Until recently, Apple has stuck to old habits with regards to AI; it kept very quiet about what it was doing. Last month, this changed; it released its first artificial intelligence research paper about teaching AI to recognise objects using simulated images. Hopefully, with it joining the partnership, more of its findings will make their way out to the public.

Source: Partnership on AI via The Verge

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