Apple is now letting developers get access to Vision Pro dev tools and kits

In early June, Apple finally and officially announced its mixed reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, during its 2023 WWDC developers conference. Today, the company revealed it is now allowing third-party developers to sign up for access to the Apple Vision Pro development kits.

Apple"s announcement breaks down the ways developers can get access to the tools in three parts. First, there are the compatibility evaluations. Apple states:

We can help you make sure your visionOS, iPadOS, and iOS apps behave as expected on Vision Pro. Align your app with the newly published compatibility checklist, then request to have your app evaluated directly on Vision Pro.

The company added that developers who either have a current iOS app or are actively making an app specifically for the Vision Pro can apply to attend a one-day conference:

In these self-directed coding and design labs, you’ll be able to test and optimize your apps on visionOS. Bring your Mac, code, and everything you need to modify, build, run, and test your app on Vision Pro. Apple experts will be available to help you with setup and troubleshooting.

These events will be held at Apple"s headquarter in Cupertino, California, along with locations in London, Munich, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo.

Finally, developers who are interested in making apps specifically for Vision Pro can apply for a visionOS dev kit. Apple says:

We’ll loan you a Vision Pro developer kit to prepare your app for the launch of the new App Store on Vision Pro.

You’ll also receive:

  • Help setting up the device and onboarding.
  • Check-ins with Apple experts for UI design and development guidance, and help refining your app.
  • Two additional code-level support requests, so you can troubleshoot any issues with your code.

Getting apps for the Vision Pro, especially apps that are made just for the headset, will likely be a major factor in whether or not it will be a success. Microsoft has already announced plans to make some of its Office productivity apps for the Vision Pro. The headset is scheduled to go on sale sometime in early 2024 for the price of $3,499.

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