Apple News :- iTunes for Windows and iPod accessories

At the Moscone Center West in San Francisco, Apple are making the following announcements revolving around their iPod and iTunes Music Store... :D

  • iTunes for Windows launched....
    • Exactly the same interface and functionality. "iTunes for Windows is the best windows app ever written."

      Runs on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

    • Offers jukebox functions - even if you don"t use the store.

      Jobs compares with Microsoft and MusicMatch offerings. They have crippled and/or limited features, looking to drive paid upgrades. iTunes best the competition by more MP3 encoding optins, CD burning, iPod integration, music sharing among several computers.

    • Full integration with Rendezvous, sharing songs with a Mac and/or PC"s on a network including streaming of songs.

    • iTMS built directly into iTunes for Windows. Same store, same functionality. "Best" personal Content rights are the same (own music, unlimited CD burning, burn unchanged playlists up to 10 times, etc.

    • "Hell freezes over" Poster announced... (referring to introduction of iTunes for Windows) and $20 gift certificate to iTMS.

Download: ITunes for Windows (20,030,720 bytes)

View: Apple iTunes main site, completly updated...

News source: MacNN 16th October 2003 Apple Moscone Center West event

News source: MacRumors - 16th October 2003 Apple Moscone Center West event

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