Apple reportedly looking to launch its streaming service in April

Apple has been rumored to be starting a subscription-based streaming service for some time, and the firm doesn"t even keep the idea much a secret, mentioning it during earnings calls. According to a new report from CNBC, the company is planning to finally launch the service this April.

The streaming service will apparently include free content for those that own Apple devices, and you"ll also be able to sign up for various services through Apple"s TV app. This is similar to how Amazon Prime works, where you can add various channels like CBS, HBO, BritBox, and so on. There"s a key problem though, which is that Netflix once again won"t be included, just like when Apple launched the TV app in the first place.

While it"s still unclear, it looks like HBO might not be included either. According to the report, discussions are still early on, so it could be that Apple"s service launches and HBO comes later on, although Apple hasn"t offered HBO the same deal that Amazon offered. Services that will be includes are Starz, CBS, Showtime, and Viacom.

Apple is also looking for a 30% share of the revenue on services that users sign up for. This is interesting, because for subscription services that come through the App Store, the firm only takes 15%, and that"s been the standard for a few years now.

The company is reportedly going to hold an event in March, so we"ll probably find out more then.

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