Apple revamps website with HTML5


Apple launched a new fresh look to their home page this morning, which replaced all of the existing pages with an updated UI and HTML5.

In recent years, Apple has been on the forefront of the battle over Adobe Flash and HTML5, never crumbling to consumers" demands to allow Flash on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Apple has been very stern about supporting Flash on iOS, claiming the software decreases battery life.

So today, the launch of HTML5 on is a very important stepping stone in their support of a flash-free website. The new improvements come with an updated navigation bar. The new darker colours include an expandable search bar to compensate for longer search terms.


Another noticeable improvement is the product slider. Apple has since ditched the horizontal slider bar and replaced it with animated tabs. This new animation can been seen on the Mac and iPod, and the iTunes tab now includes a new transition in page loading.

The new website looks much better and even feels faster. The website even uses HTML5 video to display their product promotional videos. Note that this site does require a supported HTML5 browser.

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