Announced back in September last year, the iPhone 11 Pro packs a punch in the camera department, showing off impressive photography and videography capabilities. In terms of numbers, all three lenses can capture 4K 60fps video. So can the front camera. There"s also a slow-motion mode, which supports up to a resolution of 1080p at 240fps.
To demonstrate its capabilities, Apple released a video shot entirely on the smartphone this weekend. Experiments IV: Fire & Ice is the latest iteration of a series dedicated to showcasing the shooting prowess of the iPhones. Shot by Donghoon Jun and James Thornton from Incite Design on the iPhone 11 Pro, the video is replete with close-ups of elements like fire and ice. Some shots are in slow-motion while others are in 4K and together make for an impressive watch.
On a side note, the title of the video and some of the shots bear some resemblance to the Game of Thrones Season 8 teaser dubbed "Dragonstone".
The California firm also released behind the scenes footage, Behind the Scenes — Experiments IV: Fire & Ice, which reveal how the video was shot, how the effects were created, and how Jun and Thornton captured them.
The firm also has a YouTube playlist titled "How to Shoot on iPhone", which has around 35 videos and tutorials on how to get the best out of the iPhone"s cameras. If you are interested, you may check it out here.