Apple could reportedly revolutionize the smartwatch industry with its next year"s Apple Watch Ultra 3. Notably, Apple is working on features that is aimed at outdoor enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers. According to sources, Apple could introduce satellite connectivity into the Watch Ultra 3, allowing users to send text messages using Globstar Inc."s satellite network without requiring cellular network coverage.
Apple introduced satellite connectivity feature with iPhone 14, which is also now available on the latest iPhone 16 models. Initially, the satellite connectivity feature was limited to establishing communication with emergency services. However, later it was expanded to roadside assistance and general iMessage texting. For now, the satellite connectivity feature is exclusive on Apple iPhone 14 or newer models, but as per Bloomberg"s Mark Gurman, the feature could be integrated into Apple Watch Ultra 3 next year.
With this addition, outdoor enthusiast would no longer need to carry an iPhone for satellite communication, as their Watch Ultra will be handle it independently. This will also make the Apple Watch Ultra 3 mainstream smartwatch to support satellite connectivity feature. But that"s not all. Apple is also working on advanced healthcare offerings for its future smartwatch. The company could introduce blood pressure monitoring feature, potentially with its smartwatch series in 2025.
According to people who asked not to be identified because the work is confidential, the feature although may not provide specific readings—such as diastolic or systolic levels—it will alert users about possible hypertension, similar to Apple"s sleep apnea detection feature. Gurman noted that this feature aligns with Apple CEO Tim Cook"s vision of "bolstering the health and safety features of its products."
The Cupertino-based company will also be moving away from Intel"s cellular modems and would opt for MediaTek"s components, helping them to support the lower-tier 5G Redcap standard. These anticipated changes will definitely help Apple rejuvenate its smartwatch sales, which has been going south in recent years.
Source: Bloomberg