Apple may have found the display supplier for its rumored display-equipped HomePod. It has been reported that Apple is working on multiple variants of the HomePod, one with an iPad-like display and the other one with a display mounted on a robotic arm, which may not launch until 2026. However, the HomePod device with an iPad-like display, initially tipped by Bloomberg"s Mark Gurman to launch before 2025, is now expected to launch in the third quarter of 2025, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.
While the launch timeline for the upcoming HomePod remains uncertain, new details about its display have emerged. Apple"s upcoming HomePod could potentially feature a 6-7 inch (LTPS) OLED display, which will be supplied by Chinese display manufacturer Tianma. According to the report, Tianma is the fourth largest display manufacturer in China, following BOE and CSOT (China Star).
Reportedly, Apple is unlikely to use LTPO (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide) display technology, as it is more expensive than LTPS (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) displays. According to SE Daily, the decision to opt for LTPS technology may be due to the HomePod"s display being used less frequently than that of an iPhone.
Previous reports have suggested that the upcoming HomePod with display could be powered by an A18 processor and could support Apple Intelligence features. There have been rumors about Apple developing a completely new operating system for its smart home devices, potentially called "homeOS," which could be what the upcoming HomePod may boot with.
Industry insiders claim that China, which has traditionally dominated the supply chain for supplying LCD, has been ramping up its innovation in OLED displays. Apple majorly relies on South Korean display suppliers for its products, but if true, this would be the first time China will surpass its Korean counterparts to exclusively supply OLED panels for Apple. Initial shipments of the HomePad are estimated at around 50,000 units during the second half of 2025. The lower volume indicates Apple"s cautious approach to entering a market currently dominated by Google and Amazon.