Arc Browser is now available on Windows 10, ARM version is coming soon

Arc Browser installer

Earlier this year, the Arc Browser, an interesting alternative to mainstream browsers, finally arrived on Microsoft"s platform. However, it was initially limited to just Windows 11 users. Fortunately, developers did not leave Windows 10 users dead in the waters and confirmed that a Windows 10 version was in the works. Now, a few months later, the Arc Browser is finally available on Windows 10.

Behind the scenes, we’ve been crafting, developing, dreaming, and all the other -ings to make Arc work seamlessly with Windows 10. Now, your friends and family (anyone you know on Windows 10) can also experience a cleaner, more personal internet all over again, with the same delight you’ve come to expect from us at Browser HQ.

You can download the Arc Browser on your Windows 10 computer if it runs version 1901 or newer. Since Windows 10 is pretty much omnivore when it comes to hardware, users should note that the app requires a processor with the BMI2 instruction set. That means Arc will not work on Intel chips older than Haswell and pre-Excavator AMD processors.

For now, Arc does not support computers with ARM processors, so no luck for your fancy new Surface Pro 11 or Surface Laptop 7. Fortunately, developers are working on an ARM-native variant of the Arc browser, so stay tuned.

For those unfamiliar, Arc is a browser that was conceived first on macOS and then ported to Windows. It offers an extremely minimalistic UI with vertical-only tabs, spaces, some interesting AI integrations, and more. It is an interesting alternative for customers who are tired of modern browsers that may feel slightly bloated.

The Arc browser is available for free for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Windows 11, and now Windows 10 users. Future updates promise a built-in ad blocker, tracking prevention, and other interesting bonuses. You can download Arc from the official website.

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