Tijiez has let me know that Bersirc 1.40 has been released today and is available to download, here are a list of changes and features for this version:
- Uninstall now only removes files and folders installed by Bersirc
- AppTime() function added to script returns the TickCount at the moment that
Bersirc was loaded. To see how long Bersirc has been running try:
//showmessage("App Duration: " + Duration(GetTickCount - AppTime))
- Fonts and character sets for channels, queries, and DCC chats now apply
to taskbar buttons individually (makes multi-lingual chatting nicer)
- Added info3 colour for /names output
- Added finger server and options
- Channel nicklist indent reduced
- Options dialog UI streamlined
- Intelli-State options added (/options misc)
- /names output now shows to status window onjoin
- Added command line history memory to all windows
- Added message history
- Replaced icons with much nicer ones
- Many UI modification
- Upgraded to vcl60
- Fixed bug with non-hostmask matching notify list users not showing
- Fixed bug with server names not being updated correctly
- Logging dates made compliant with mIRCstats application
- Added new memory manager to assist in stopping memory creep
- Got a full time programming job which has slowed down development