BOOGSoftball has posted up one of his famous Strangenews of the week on his blog, absent from the front page for quite a while we think it"s a perfect round-up to recent events of 2006 and the first week of Januarys Darwin award chasers.
- At an Air Force facility near Colorado Springs, Colo., tests were conducted with a special radio frequency that would communicate with first responders in the event of a homeland security threat. Unfortunately, it was discovered the frequency also would instantly open an estimated 50 million garage doors in a seven-state area.
- At a court hearing in Wind Gap, Pa., a man explained to a judge the reason he repeatedly sexually assaulted two young girls was because his wife spent far too much time playing bingo and that frustrated him.
- In Aspen, Colo., the city with the highest per capita household wealth in the world, officials complained that the city"s trash dumps had become crowded with tourists who were stopping by the city"s trash dumps to see if they"d like to take any trash home with them.
- In Raleigh, N.C., a man spotted on a Southwest Airlines flight with his head "buried" in his girlfriend"s naked lap explained he was not involved in "overt sexual activity" but instead was simply not feeling well and trying to take a nap.
- In suburban Crete, a man used 3,200 truckloads of concrete to build his own "Flintstone House".