Bvckup 2 Release 78.5

Bvckup 2 is a mirroring data backup software notable for its use of delta copying, speed of operation, small resource footprint and a "beautifully functional" user interface. The software replicates files from one location to another in their original format and purposefully does not include options for compressing or encrypting them. It does however include a comprehensive list of supporting features including periodic and real-time backup scheduling, removable device tracking and shadow copying support. Ideal for making local backups, backups going to external and removable drives as well as to NAS devices.

Bvckup 2 features:

  • Real-time, scheduled and manual backups
  • Very fast, delta file copying
  • Excellent user interface
  • Backup of locked files with shadow copying
  • Removable device tracking
  • Move/rename detection
  • Windows XP and newer
  • Full 64-bit support
  • Run-as-a-service mode
  • Symlink and junction support
  • Ownership, group and DACL copying
  • Fully asynchronous I/O
  • Multi-core processing where required
  • Optimized throughout for no run-time bloat
  • Software update notifications

Release notes:

  • Added support for OneDrive reparse points - recent updates to W10 rolled out a newer version of OneDrive that now uses reparse points to inject its principle folder into the file system. This change tells Bvckup 2 to process this folder as a regular directory. For the context see [1].
  • Added new default exclusion for a file internal to OneDrive - a zero-sized file called .849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B with System and Hidden attributes is now excluded from the backups by default.
  • Added .ini support for specifying share passwords in plaintext - this is as per [2]. For a password settings (such as the one for a share or an SMTP server login) it"s now possible to specify the password in the INI file in plaintext. This is done by starting the right-hand part with ! sign, e.g.

conf.dst_net_user guest
conf.dst_net_pass !SuperSecret

Note that passwords are always stored obfuscated, so the plaintext will be replaced with an obfuscated version the next time bvckup2 saves the INI file.

  • Fixed a small issue with error handling in the delta copier - one of the internal self-consistency checks was too strict and erroneously fired when a file needed updating at an offset of 0 and the write request failed immediately.


Download: Bvckup 2 Release 78.5 | 2.0 MB (Free trial, $19.95)
View: Bvckup 2 Home Page | Discounts

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