Cabos is Gnutella file sharing program based on LimeWire and Acquisition. It is free software, no spyware, no adware. It provides simple interface, multi languages support, and iTunes / iPod integration. What an enjoyable experience it is to use peer-to-peer software without adware or nagware, and to even be able to change preference settings repeated without attempted changes invoking an instant crash. Cabos handles memory extremely well, which is probably why it is so stable, and resume actually works, unlike attempts to resume downloads on LimeWire and Acquisition, which rarely yields results. Cabos Core is written in Java, and GUI is written in REALbasic. Cabos is clean, easy to use, and very fast.
What"s New:
- Updated Norwegian Localization (thx! > Norwegian anonymous user).
- Updated Italian Localization (thx! > Giacomo Margarito).
- Massively improved spam filter!
- Improved stability with large amout of searches.
- Fixed some minor bugs.