In late June, Microsoft released Service Pack 4 for Windows 2000. Within hours, support forums and web boards became abuzz with problems experienced in Citrix MetaFrame environments after the Windows Service Pack was installed. As seen on the THIN list, public newsgroups, thin planet, and the Citrix knowledge base, most of the problems had to do with extremely slow logons once the service pack was installed. These issues were so bad that Roy Tokeshi (of the Citrix MetaFrame Thin Client Support Community) even created a support site dedicated to the problems.
Microsoft has acknowledged the problems in Citrix MetaFrame environments and released a post-SP4 hotfix. All of these issues lead to one question--if Citrix and Microsoft work so closely together, how could there have been such a major issue with new a Microsoft service pack that broke just about every MetaFrame environment where it was installed? During the press conference at iForum last week, I posed this question to Citrix"s CTO Bob Kruger. He responded by basically saying that he wasn"t aware of any issues and that Citrix and Microsoft work closely together on new software.