Court decision allows imminent termination of RegisterFly

Under a preliminary injunction issued on Thursday 26 April 2007, ICANN now has the right to terminate RegisterFly"s accreditation as soon as possible. RegisterFly failed to meet the conditions of a temporary restraining order (TRO) which the Court issued on 16 April. ICANN is immediately inviting statements of interest from accredited registrars to act as a transfer provider, so domain name registrants can gain full access to their domains. The registrar handling the transfers will temporarily hold the names and help registrants transfer to any ICANN accredited registrar of their choice.

"Registrants are our first concern. ICANN is following a very determined approach to returning access to domain name registrants impacted by the collapse of RegisterFly," said Dr Paul Twomey, ICANN President and CEO. "ICANN knows that many registrants are anxious for a transfer to occur. We are committed to making sure this process is put in place as quickly as possible. While we understand that this process may be frustrating for some RegisterFly customers, it is the first time that ICANN has had to intercede in such a way and these steps are being taken to ensure that the system introduced works as effectively as possible."

More information on the RegisterFly situation can be found on this dedicated webpage on ICANN"s public participation site.
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News source: ICANN Blog

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