Cyberpunk 2077 CGI teaser trailer released

Several months ago, CD Projekt, the Poland-based team behind the two acclaimed Witcher fantasy RPG titles, announced that their next game would be Cyberpunk 2077, based on the Cyberpunk pen-and-paper RPG. This week, the team released a pre-rendered CGI teaser trailer for the game on YouTube.

The video, as shown above, is mostly in extreme slow motion as we seen what looks like futuristic police firing on a cybernetically augmented woman with massive razor arms. There"s lots of other interesting things in the clip but we will leave it to you to find them for yourselves.

While the trailer doesn"t show gameplay, it would seem to give us a clue as to the art design of Cyberpunk 2077, along with the highly violent content. But when will it be released? Not for a long while. The end of the trailer says that CD Projekt will release Cyberpunk 2077 "when it"s ready".

In fact, in a single frame of the trailer, you can see a message which states that the current target date for the game is 2015, but that date should be taken with a grain of salt. CD Projekt is also currently working on a second unannounced game, according to that brief Easter Egg.

Source: YouTube

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