DaVinci Resolve 16.1

DaVinci Resolve 15

DaVinci Resolve is the world’s first solution that combines professional offline and online editing, color correction, audio post production and now visual effects all in one software tool. You get unlimited creative flexibility because DaVinci Resolve makes it easy for individual artists to explore different toolsets. It also lets you collaborate and bring people with different creative talents together. With a single click, you can instantly move between editing, color, effects, and audio. Plus, you never have to export or translate files between separate software tools because, with DaVinci Resolve, everything is in the same software application.

DaVinci Resolve is the only post production software designed for true collaboration. Multiple editors, assistants, colorists, VFX artists and sound designers can all work on the same project at the same time! Whether you’re an individual artist, or part of a larger collaborative team, it’s easy to see why DaVinci Resolve is the standard for high end post production and is used for finishing more Hollywood feature films, episodic television programing and TV commercials than any other software.

DaVinci Resolve 16.1 changelog:


  • Sync Bin view which shows synced clip cutaways for the current shot on the timeline in a live multi-view for up to 9 cameras
  • Sync Clip window to perform timecode based, audio waveform based and in or out point based syncing for clips
  • Live overwrite from the Sync Bin multi-view where the desired camera number can be pressed on the keyboard and the cut away length can be adjusted live with the scroll dial
  • Support for automatically grouping shots from one camera by analyzing timecode and camera number metadata
  • Close Up is now powered by the DaVinci Neural Engine to automatically identify multiple faces in the clip and reframe and zoom in on the subjects
  • Ability to extend the timeline from the Sync Bin view to easily find the next edit for your timeline
  • Smart Indicators on the timeline which show where the closest edit points are based on the playhead position
  • Boring detector with timeline indicators to detect edits which are running too long
  • Jump cut detector with timeline indicators for flash frames and jump cuts
  • Support for a new transition dialog to quickly find and apply the desired transition to the closest edit point using the scroll dial on the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard
  • Support for a new picture in picture mode to quickly apply a picture in picture edit by easily selecting the image quadrant using the scroll dial in the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard
  • Support for a new blended scroll mode in the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard that dynamically toggles between scroll and jog transport
  • Support for a split clip action in the toolbar
  • Support for performing a slide edit by Alt/Option + dragging the timeline clip overlay
  • Support for adding bins and moving clips between bins in the media pool
  • Improved representation of small cuts on the top timeline
  • Improved thumbnail clip hover behavior when selecting and previewing source media in the viewer
  • Improved responsiveness when scrubbing the in and out points for long clips in range editor


  • Support for using embedded timecode for clip based formats when the project setting is set to use frame count timecode
  • Ability to copy and paste transitions across multiple edit points in the timeline
  • Support for switching between clip and edit point selections on the timeline
  • Support for temporarily toggling between selection and trim edit mode during an edit action
  • Support for track name and track number burn-in and render tags
  • Support for previewing audio when dynamic trimming at greater than 1x speeds
  • Support for dragging adjustment clips to the media pool
  • Support for renaming adjustment clips in the inspector
  • Support for showing or hiding individual panels using keyboard shortcuts
  • Improved default multicam naming behavior
  • Ability to name angles after clip names or file names when creating a multi-cam clip
  • Support for matching a multicam edit frame to the underlying source clip
  • Support for switching to the correct multicam angle when performing a multicam match frame
  • Improved graticule and timecode display on timeline rulers
  • Support for opening Final Cut Pro 7 XML files from Finder to import media or timelines on macOS systems
  • Alt/Option-clicking on a track destination selector on the edit timeline will now exclusively select that track
  • Support for tooltips to show track names in the mini track view
  • Support for automatically selecting the newly added take in the take selector
  • Improved dual screen behavior for the edit page with support for single viewer and full height metadata and effects library
  • Improved performance when analyzing clips for detecting and classifying people
  • Improved easing behavior when applying smoothness to position keyframes
  • Improved blade behavior when there is a clip selection
  • Improved behavior when navigating between clips and edit points on the edit timeline when subtitles are present [full release notes]

Download page: DaVinci Resolve 16.1 | 1228.8 MB (Free, paid upgrade available)
Links: DaVinci Resolve Website | Screenshot | What"s new in DaVinci Resolve 16

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