Dell launches low-cost PC in China

Dell has launched a new low-cost desktop PC aimed at grabbing market share in China. The Dell EC280 comes with Windows XP, as opposed to Vista, and comes in a few different variations, depending on user specifications. It costs between 2,599 Chinese renminbi ($336) and 2,999 renminbi. Both specifications include 1.2GHz Intel Celeron microprocessors and come with 15-inch CRT monitors. Dell has a special note under the 2,599 renminbi model noting that all cash discounts are factored into the price, and that users are limited to buying five of them at one time. The company is also offering a slightly higher priced desktop (3,999 renminbi), the Dell Dimension C51-n, with an AMD Athlon64 3200 microprocessor, a Linux OS (distro currently unknown), and a 17-inch LCD monitor.

Lenovo Group, the top PC vendor in China, also markets its lowest cost PCs with Windows XP. Both Dell and Lenovo say they "recommend Windows Vista Home Premium" in Chinese at the top of the Web pages where their low-cost PCs are displayed, but none come with that OS.

News source: InfoWorld

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