Despite doubling sales, Xbox One lags behind PS4 in June

Earlier this week, Microsoft said that console sales of the Xbox One doubled for the month of June when compared to the prior month. On the face of it, this looks like great news for Microsoft and frankly, it is, as doubling sales is good for the bottom line - but in the console wars, this is not enough.

According to the latest NPD numbers, Sony"s PS4 once again outsold the Xbox One for the month of June. We know that Sony is selling its console in more markets than the Xbox One and has, until this past month, had a lower price point but the sales gap remains wide open.

It goes without saying that both consoles are selling well and will continue to do so going forward as each platform looks to best the other in terms of exclusive titles. As a gamer, it"s a great position to be in as both Sony and Microsoft are not holding anything back when it comes to marketing and delivering a quality gaming experience.

For Microsoft, even though its console is doing well, this is still a blow to the ego as it did quite well with the Xbox 360 in the US when compared to the PS3, and not being able to replicate that success with the Xbox One means that the company"s initial strategy simply did not meet with consumer expectations.

They have, of course, reversed course quite a bit; they are doing away with a lot of the original streaming content and have introduced a lower priced SKU. Will this new focus be enough to push Xbox One ahead of PS4? Only time will tell, but for now, Sony continues to best the Xbox One each month.

Source: NPD via Venturebeat

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