DirectX 9 Final - Not Yet...

Have the Inquirer got it wrong again?

MS DirectX 9 Beta Admin:

We have not released the ship date to any outside source. You [beta tester] will first be notified in the newsgroups as soon as it is released and before it is publicly available on The dates you have seen on the Inquirer web site such as 12/11 or 12/12 are speculation. This includes the final date of 12/19. At this time, we are working hard on the final stages of DirectX 9.0 and plan to release it to you as soon as possible.

So there you go, with just a week left till xmas will MS get DX9 out in time for the turkey & stuffing?

Download: DIRECTX 9.0 RC 0 Public Beta for End-User

Download: ATI Release DIRECTX 9.0 Beta Drivers & Demos

Download: DIRECTX 9.0 RC(2) beta Download

View: Microsoft postpones DIRECTX 9 date for a week

News source: In-house

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