Do Video Games Have a Role in School?

Research comissioned by games giant EA has suggested that both students and teachers believe that games can have a positive role in the classroom.

Out of a total 1000 teachers and 2000 primary and secondary students, 59% of teachers admitted they would consider using a popular video game in their classes, whilst 62% of students admitted they wanted to use video games in school. This does of course mean that a significant 41% of teachers and 38% of students did not agree.

EA"s international marketing director, Jules Clarkson said: "EA has recognised for a long time the potential for computer games to stimulate teachers and students."

What he hadn"t recognised were that 70% of those teachers interviewed believe that games lead to antisocial behaviour and even 30% of targetted students believed games could increase violence and agression.

The report, released on the first day of the London Games Festival, doesn"t answer the question of which games it is that could benefit the learning environment. Even EA has said it will not change the way it makes games off the back of the reasearch.

Jules Clarkson added: "I do not imagine we are suddenly going to get into educational software markets but it does give us ideas about how to work with educational establishments."

The London Games Festival runs until October 7th and involves a whole range of events including game showcases, award ceremonies and a chance for the public to share their video games ideas with developers.

Link: London Games Festival

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