Robert Duffy, a programmer at id software has updated his .plan file. He announces an open beta test for the first DOOM 3 Windows patch at Shacknews. He comments the status of the Linux dedicated server too.
Robert Duffy
We have released the first update for DOOM 3 as a beta and on a limited scale (it is only available on the File Shack at We don"t anticipate any issues with it but felt it best to get it into the hands of a few thousand people rather than the entire customer base in case we missed something. We will release the update through our update server for wide release once we have verified there are no problems with it.
We will be releasing another update in the near future that will include Punk Busters cheat protection functionality for DOOM III.
The SDK is also ready to go and as soon as the update is out in non beta form the SDK will be made available for download.
The Linux Dedicated server is also ready to go and will also be available as soon as the update is non beta.