Download The Python Book ($46 Value, now FREE)

Claim your complimentary eBook worth $46 today, before the offer ends next Wednesday, June 21!

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Discover the power of one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world with this insightful new resource

The Python Book delivers an essential introductory guide to learning Python for anyone who works with data but does not have experience in programming. The author, an experienced data scientist and Python programmer, shows readers how to use Python for data analysis, exploration, cleaning, and wrangling. Readers will learn what in the Python language is important for data analysis, and why.

The Python Book offers readers a thorough and comprehensive introduction to Python that is both simple enough to be ideal for a novice programmer, yet robust to be useful for those more experienced in the language. The book assists budding programmers to gradually increase their skills as they move through the book, always with an understanding of what they are covering and why it is useful. Used by major companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and more, Python promises to remain central to the programming landscape for years to come.

Containing a thorough discussion of Python programming topics like variables, equalities and comparisons, tuple and dictionary data types, while and for loops, and if statements, readers will also learn:

  • How to use highly useful Python programming libraries, including Pandas and Matplotlib
  • How to write Python functions and classes
  • How to write and use Python scripts
  • To deal with different data types within Python

Perfect for statisticians, computer scientists, software programmers, and practitioners working in private industry and medicine, The Python Book will also be of interest to students in any of the aforementioned fields. As it assumes no programming experience or knowledge, the book is ideal for those who work with data and want to learn to use Python to enhance their work.

Free offer expires on June 21.

How to get it

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions to claim this offer. Complete and verifiable information is required in order to receive this free offer. If you have previously made use of these free offers, you will not need to re-register. While supplies last!

Download The Python Book ($46 Value, now FREE)
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