Edge will be Microsoft's most secure browser

One of the big features of Windows 10 is a focus on enhancing user security, but that’s not only limited to the operating system as Microsoft is releasing Edge as its most secure browser ever.

Edge, also known as Project Spartan, will be the company’s new browser and represent a break from the past and Internet Explorer’s legacy. Not only will Edge be faster, better, offer new features and work on more devices but it will also be very secure.

In a blog post on the Edge Dev blog, the team behind the new browser detailed some of the advanced security features that will be coming alongside Windows 10. Whether you worry about phishing attacks, malicious extensions or memory corruption the company wants you to have this takeaway: you’re in capable hands with Edge.

The new browser will use some familiar technologies such as SmartScreen, Certificate Reputation checking and, obviously, the HTTPS lock symbol and EV Cert green bar. But Edge will also have some new capabilities as well. Being built with the latest standards in mind it will offer all the extra protection that comes with HTTP2 plus the latest TLS standard.

Edge will also integrate with some of Windows 10’s advanced security capabilities. First up, it should make authenticating online considerably more secure with support for Windows Passport, which makes typing your password online obsolete. Secondly, the EdgeHTML rendering engine as well as all of its threads will run in an app container sandbox, just like any other Windows Store app. Then Edge itself will also run in another sandbox seeing as it, unlike previous versions of IE, is actually an app and not an integral part of the operating system.

And of course, seeing as Edge is an app it will be quickly and easily updateable through the Store, without users needing to do anything. This should further enhance protection going forward, as Microsoft will be able to quickly patch the browser on the whole Windows 10 platform.

Finally, for those vulnerabilities that Microsoft’s hasn’t discovered yet there will be a bug bounty program. If you’re a security researcher and curious to find out more you can check out this link from the company.

All in all it’s clear that Microsoft has a strong message to share with consumers as well as businesses. The company is looking to offer a very compelling package with Edge, one that’s more powerful, lighter, better designed and especially more secure, than anything the company has shipped before.

Source: Edge Dev Blog

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