Egypt shuts off last ISP


Egypt has just shut down their last remaining ISP in the country, preventing anyone there from accessing the Internet. Their last remaining ISP, Noor, has just went offline, taking down their stock exchange.

Late last week, Egypt started shutting down ISPs across the country, preventing the majority of the locals from accessing the Internet. The government began shutting down social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook to prevent people from coordinating their protests, but it appears the entire country is now without Internet.

Noor was the only ISP in the country, powering the countries stock exchange and a number of other popular websites, such as Coca-cola.

Google has since allowed people to tweet using voicemail. The system works by users calling an international phone number (+16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855), leaving a voicemail, and the service will instantly tweet the message using the hashtag #egypt.

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Daily Gaming: January 31, 2011