While they look impressive from the outside, the three gigantic Colosseums of Elden Ring have been closed for business since launch. Many had thought the buildings would serve as part of an upcoming expansion, but FromSoftware has other ideas. Aimed at player versus player combat, a free update will open the Colosseums to the masses for PVP action.
Having PVP-exclusive arenas aren"t a new addition to FromSoftware"s Souls-likes, but this is a first for Elden Ring, While PVP combat has always been a part of the game, it had used the standard invasion and summoning mechanics to initiate battles. With the new update, players will be able to seek new opponents easily by simply heading to a Colosseum and matchmaking from there.

The gameplay footage shows off three forms of duels: 1v1, 1v1 with Spirit Ash summons on both sides, and 3v3 action, while free-for-alls are also mentioned. Usually, there are more game modes as well as restrictions, such as healing limitations, attached to these PVP sessions.
The Colosseums of Limgrave, Leyndell and Caelid will open tomorrow, December 7, following a free update across all platforms.
FromSoftware has been silent about the future content plans of its mega-hit action RPG Elden Ring since the game"s launch earlier this year. While it"s likely that campaign expansions are incoming, Tarnished who enjoy the PVP side of things can jump in and try out their skills against others until then.