Electronic Arts brings the SimCity Series to Nintendo DS

The fastest selling gaming system in the world, the Nintendo DS, is getting the best selling game in the world, the Sims series. After confirming at the beginning of February that the company is developing a version of Spore for the DS and that it will bring My Sims to Wii, Electronic Arts announced that its famous best-selling franchise The Sims will be ported on DS too.

The Sims version for DS is actually the popular SimCity, but with the required modifications made for the DS platform." In addition to creating and growing their very own pocket sized city while being on-the-go, players will be able to leverage the unique action features of the Nintendo DS system, discovering an entirely new way to play this internationally acclaimed franchise. The product will make its debut to consumers worldwide in summer of this year."

EA plans to maximize the use of the unusual DS interface, giving players for example the opportunity to put out fires in their "handheld-city" by blowing into the microphone or to sign mayoral decisions inside the game with DS" stylus, thus bringing the game-experience to a new level of involvement.

News source: Playfuls.com

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