EU to investigate Windows RT for lack of browser options

Someone should probably let the EU know that Internet Explorer is no longer the force it used to be many, many years ago. Beyond investigating Microsoft"s lack of browser ballot after an update was rolled out, the EU will also be looking into browser options for Windows RT tablets. 

The investigation will revolve around if Microsoft is or is not offering access to APIs required by browsers to operate and will also "focus on charges that Microsoft allows only its own Internet Explorer browser to be installed on devices running Windows 8 on Windows RT tablets with British chipmaker ARM"s chips." according to Reuters

The investigation was raised after unnamed parties contacted the EU with their concern over how Microsoft is proceeding with Windows 8. Unfortunately for Microsoft, this will be another distraction for them which could result in massive fines if they are found to be blocking competitors from the market.

If Microsoft is forced to offer alternative browsers, specifically on the Surface RT, it would only seem fair that the EU go after Apple as well for limiting the functionality of other browsers on iOS. Yes, you can download other browsers on iOS, but try to make it your default application.

Microsoft is not in the same position it was several years ago when IE ruled the landscape and Windows was the only operating system in town receiving attention. With the growing popularity with Chrome and Firefox and Apple selling iOS and OS X devices by the boatload, Microsoft is having to find new ways to compete. 

Source: Reuters

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