Facebook to befriend Twitter

As reported by TechCrunch, sometime during the week, Facebook will roll out a new feature, allowing users to publish their status updates directly to Twitter. This will not be a third party plugin, but rather a new function built directly into Facebook"s interface. The news comes right after Facebook announced the testing of their, very own, URL shortening service, fb.me. The new URL shortener makes complete sense when coupled with built in Twitter support.

The Twitter integration is currently being tested by Facebook employees and looks to bring traffic from Twitter, back to Facebook. This "friendship" will only work one way, as Twitter cannot post anything to your Facebook account without some sort of third-party application. The inclusion of this function will not only give users a central location to manage their status updates, but it will also sway them towards using Facebook as their updater of choice.

Currently, the only native Facebook/Twitter integration is for Facebook Pages, supporting businesses, bands, and public figures. If a user wants to post their status updates to Twitter, they"d have to use Twitter"s Twitter application. Instructions for setting it up can be found here, but you could wait for Facebook"s native support; although, the Twitter app does allow for bi-directional syncing.

Image Credit: TechCrunch

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