Facebook update for Android

Many have complained that Android"s Facebook app just isn"t up to snuff. It"s no secret that the iPhone"s version has much more functionality. The majority of options in the Android version launch you into your web browser so you can access Facebook"s website, leaving little purpose for the app, aside from contact syncing and basic status checking. This left many Android users feeling left out.

Finally, it seems like the masses have been heard. As reported by TechCrunch, Facebook has now released a much improved update, and it"s waiting for Android lovers in the Market right now. The new version includes the ability to actually browse your friends" profiles and photo albums natively. This was notably missing in the previous version and will finally enable users to directly interact with and share photos within the program. It seems that the overall speed has improved as well. Still missing are the ability to send and receive messages, as well as support for Events.

Android"s Facebook app was officially released this past September and seems to be making steady progress towards a fully functional experience. Since the upgrade just hit the Market, we are still awaiting more detailed reports on the app"s new features. It has been noted that some of the features may have already been present on the Droid, but now, they"re just becoming available to other Android devices. If you"re an Android user, you can scan the QR code below to upgrade (use the Barcode Scanner app).

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