Fallout 76's 2021 roadmap reveals Invaders from Beyond and more

Fallout 76 SPECIAL loadouts

Bethesda Game Studios" Fallout 76 is slated to receive a myriad of more free content this year across all platforms, and to prepare fans, the newly Xbox-backed developer today released a roadmap detailing what exactly is incoming and when are the release windows.

Quite soon, the Spring update for the online RPG will land with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts (with support for re-spec), C.A.M.P. Slots, and Mannequins. Those who own the game via Bethesda.net can already try out these new features via the public test server.

Moving on, in the Summer 2021 update, Fallout 76 will receive a story update to last year"s Brotherhood of Steel content. This expansion to Steel Reign will continue the storyline with new quests, locations, NPCs, and rewards.

Bethesda does not go into much detail regarding the upcoming Fall update, saying only that an "evolution" to Private Worlds are incoming. However, in Winter 2021, the studio is planning to bring in an event from "out-of-this-world", literally. This Invaders from Beyond public challenge will let players in servers join together and challenge a new kind of foe for "stellar rewards". Alien appearances have been a common theme in Fallout games, so this being another encounter is pretty much obvious.

A new seasonal event, The Ritual, as well as C.A.M.P. pets, and 4 Star Legendaries are also planned for this 2021 Winter update. Meanwhile, to answer any questions the community might have, A Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with the development team"s Jeff Gardiner (Project Lead) and Mark Tucker (Design Director) is slated to happen tomorrow, March 23 at 11:AM ET on the official Fallout 76 subreddit "fo76".

Fallout 76 2021 roadmap infograph

Fallout 76 is available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, with next-generation consoles gaining access via backward compatibility. Last week, Microsoft delivered FPS Boost support for the online title, promising almost doubled frame rates for those playing on Xbox Series X|S consoles.

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