FileZilla is a free, open source FTP client for Windows. FileZilla supports FTP, SFTP, FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).
Key features include a site manager, message log, file and folder view, and a transfer queue.
The site manager allows a user to create a list of FTP sites alongwith their connection data, such as the port number to use, theprotocol to use, and whether to use anonymous or normal logon. Fornormal logon, the username is saved and optionally the password.
The message log is displayed along the top of the window. Itdisplays the console-type output showing the commands sent by FileZillaand the remote server"s responses.
The file and folder view, displayed under the message log, providesa graphical interface for FTP. Users can navigate folders and view andalter their contents on both the local and remote machines using anExplorer-style tree interface. Users can drag and drop files betweenthe local and remote computers.
Changes in this version (2.2.24a) include:
Local directory tree now displays "Desktop" and "My Documents"
Fixed bugs:
Fall back to local charset if login data contains non-ascii charactersand login fails. Fixes compatiblity with non-UTF8 aware server -
Fix speed limits, limit could get exceeded if three or more files were transferred simultaneously. -
Fix compability with non-standard desktop locations (2.2.24a)