First Look: OLPC XO-2

I am here this morning in Cambridge, Mass., at OLPC"s Global Country Workshop. Opening the conference this morning was OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte, who announced the second generation of the OLPC XO laptop, which will be called the XO-2.

Negroponte didn"t share many details about the XO-2"s hardware, but the new system has two touch-sensitive displays. It will employ the dual indoor-and-sunlight displays, which was pioneered by former OLPC CTO Mary Lou Jepsen. The design will provide a right and left page in vertical format, a hinged laptop in horizontal format, and a flat, two-screen continuous surface for use in tablet mode. "Younger children will be able to use simple keyboards to get going, and older children will be able to switch between keyboards customized for applications as well as for multiple languages," the press release reads. The XO-2 will also reduce power consumption to 1 watt.

Link: First Look: OLPC XO-2 at

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