Thanks MicrosoftXPLonghorn
If you use a version of Netscape Navigator that has an embedded tag for the Windows Media Player 9 Series OCX control, the Java Runtime may not initialize the control.
This problem occurs because the Windows Media Player 9 Series OCX control uses methods that are no longer supported by Netscape.
This fix is installed in the applet location of the latest version of the Java Runtime that is installed on the client computer. Under certain circumstances, events do not always fire in the client side script. The client is denied access in the Java console. At the time that this article was published, Microsoft did not have a fix for this issue. Web developers can work around this in two ways: Use the ActiveX programming model with Netscape Navigator 7.1: Netscape Navigator 7.1 permits the Windows Media Player 9 Series OCX control to be embedded in Netscape by using code techniques that are similar to those for Microsoft Internet Explorer.