UK retailer GAME has had quite an eventful few months, but it would appear that things may be coming to an end, as a report from Bloomberg indicates that the retailer is on the market for £15 million.
GAME hasn"t been able to stock high-profile titles during recent launches due to publishers losing faith in the company"s ability to shift products and meet its payment obligations. GAME was unable to acquire stock for the releases of Street Fighter X Tekken, Asura"s Wrath, Ubisoft"s Vita launch titles and Mass Effect 3, the last of which alone lost Game an estimated £2 million ($3.2 million). Game"s market value sits at roughly £15 million ($23 million), so by those statistics, Mass Effect 3, generated a loss of one-seventh of Game"s entire worth.
It is unknown whether the sale means the rights for Gamestation (which GAME owns) are being sold because if so, surely renaming GAME to Gamestation would be a better move as people seem to prefer the branding and layout of the Gamestation outlets.
What do you think of the situation? We’d like to hear how you’d change the company if you had £15 million to acquire it - have your say in the comments below.